Checks Out Girl’s Booty - Mayora Tavares Photos


President Barack Obama was caught in a very compromising position - checking out a Brazilian girl’s bootylicious behind during the G8 summit this week. The Drudge Report calls it the “second stimulus package”.

French President Nicolas Sarkozi also couldn’t resist checking that booty too. Actually Sarkozi’s naughty smirk is a bit creepy – he is either delighted with the girl’s assets or thinking Obama is one naughty boy!

The girl in question is Mayora Tavares and she is only 16 years old! How embarrassing!?! That single accident can traumatize that girl for life. Mayora was part of J8, a group of 53 people between 14 and 17 years-old, who were there to discuss how the lives of young people around the world can be improved.