Photos Mayora Tavares

Mayora Tavares PHOTO

PHOTO! Here again is picture of Brazil’s and Obama’s Mayora Tavares (aka Mayara Tavares). Brasil’s Mayora Tavares G8 Obama head turning incident is sparking more attention to the G-Money conference than it’s ever gotten.

You’ve probably never checked out a G8 summit until today, have you. Honestly, there’s nothing at G8 to turn your head.

But today, G8 is starting to feel like a boring football game that just had Erin Andrews (or Pam Oliver) walk in. The best angle of this story (besides that one) is how American press are trying to say our leader wasn’t checking out Mayora Tavares but that French leader - he definitely was. Bottom line -neither were.

The location of the Mayora’s head turner was  L’Aquila, Italy. Where is L’Aquila? For once it’s not Silvio Berlusconi’s Rome residence, Palazzo Graziol,  or Sardinia estate!

No comment by Mayara Tavares. Sir Mix A Lot still hasn’t been located either. If you want to check her out yourself, click here to check out the video.

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