Will Chelsea Clinton and Godwin Kipkemoi Chepkurgor get married?

Background: During Hillary Clinton's August 2009 visit to Kenya, businessman Godwin Kipkemoi Chepkurgor offered 40 goats and 20 cows for the opportunity to marry Chelsea Clinton. The offer was a renewal of an offer that he originally made during 2000. Chepkurgor said that he stands by the offer until someone else makes a counteroffer.

Chepkurgor operates an electronics and computer shop in Nakuro, Kenya. He married his wife, Grace, in 2005. He insisted that his wife "has no problems with" Chepkurgor marrying Clinton. In Kenya, polygamy is legal.
Chepkurgor described Clinton as a "beautiful, disciplined and well-natured woman." Hillary Clinton stated that she "will convey this very kind offer."

Since the chances of Clinton and Chepkurgor getting married are slim, this market will remain open until one of the following happens:
1) Clinton gets married.
2) Someone else makes a counteroffer to Clinton.
3) Clinton or Chepkurgor die.